Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pictures of my rescued puppy, Westley

I promised pictures to go with the previous post...enjoy! :)

My great little gift for the day...

Today I got an extra special little chance, fate, or the good Lord above :)...I was driving to bring lunch to my boyfriend at work and I got to the middle of a very busy intersection and saw the cutest little puppy trying to cross the BUSY street....I swear I thought he was going to get clobbered by a moving car, so I pulled over and tried to coax him over to first he was really scared and wouldn't come to me....I almost started to cry b/c I was just imagining him being killed right in front of my stopped traffic!!! :)

I grabbed him and put him in my car and he has been with me ever boyfriend loved him....he has no collar...we fed him a hamburger, gave him water, bought him a collar and leash....I've walked him....I've named him....I LOVE him already :) I just need to make sure no one is looking for him, but I really think he was just abandoned....he is so CUTE! I will send you a picture later...we named him Wesley. I will post a picture as soon as I upload them. Life is grand sometimes.... :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bailey...the sweetest dog on Earth (in my opinion)

My mom and stepdad's dog, Bailey, is by far the sweetest dog on the planet. I am known as his "second mama" because I get the pleasure of watching him on certain days...he is so sweet, loving, and just a good dog...he doesn't beg, he rarely barks, he loves to go on walks, and really just loves to sit near you and rest....he is a Jack Russel Terrier mix so he isn't too spunky...some Jack Russel's are CRAZY! Not he is in various pics throughout the past three years :) Enjoy!

Britney's New CD....

Yes...I broke down and purchased Britney's new CD, "Circus", and I have to's not bad. It's catchy. I love "Womanizer"...the song is stuck in my head unfortunately. I think Britney gets a bad rap...I mean she isn't nearly as crazy as the media has tried to make people believe. Anyone with cameras blinking and jammed into their face all day has the potential to go crazy!! She is touring now and I am contemplating whether or not to go...part of me knows it would be a good show, but another part of me thinks I should save my money for an artist I REALLY like...time will tell.